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Great Barr 


West Midlands 

B43 7BA 


Tel: 0121 357 1390

Upcoming Events


St. Margaret's Church host a variety of events - details set out below. For more information, contact the Parish Office

Future Dates for the Diary
(taking place at the church unless otherwise stated):


June 2024

1      Sat     10.30 am    Prayers for  Spiritual Wholeness 

2      Sun     Trinity 1

                  11.00 am     Morning Prayer (1662 Book of Common Prayer)

6      Thur   10.15 am     Holy Communion (1662 Book of Common Prayer)

7      Fri        2.30 pm     Wedding 

9      Sun     Trinity 2

                    9.30 am     Children @ Church in church

                  11.00 am     Holy Communion (Common Worship)

                  12.15 pm     Interment of Ashes

10   Mon      2.30 pm     Share the Book – in Meeting Room

13    Thur   10.15 am     Holy Communion (1662 Book of Common


16    Sun     Trinity 3   (Fathers Day)

                  11.00 am     Morning Prayer (1662 Book of Common Prayer)

                  12.15 pm     Interment of Ashes

20    Thur   10.15 am     Holy Communion (1662 Book of Common


                    2.00 pm     St Margaret’s School Visit – Year 3 

23    Sun     Trinity 4

                  11.00 am     Holy Communion (Common Worship)

                    3.30 pm     Baptism

                    4.30 pm     Baptism

24   Mon      2.30 pm     Share the Book – in Meeting Room

                                           The Birth of John the Baptist

27    Thur   10.00 am     Holy Communion (1662 Book of Common


                    2.00 pm     St Margaret’s School Visit – Year 5

29    Sat                              St Peter, the Apostle 

30    Sun     Trinity 5

                    9.30 am     Children @ Church in church

                  11.00 am     Holy Communion (Common Worship)

                    3.30 pm     Baptism

                    4.30 pm     Baptism

1      Sat     10.30 am     Prayers for Spiritual Wholeness

11.00 am         Morning Prayer (1662 Book of Common Prayer)

6      Thur   10.15 am     Holy Communion (1662 Book of Common Prayer)

For details of events happening next month, click here.