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Annual Meeting



 P C C  

(The Parochial Church Council)

The reconvened annual meeting will be held on Sunday 30th June 2024 around 12.15pm following the morning service.

The various papers for the AGM will be attached when ready:



The Church Council is made up of ex-officio and elected members.

Ex-officio: Clergy, Reader, & Church Wardens

Elected: 15 members – 5 elected each year to serve for 3 years

plus 3 Deanery Synod representatives elected for a 3 year term.

Structure, governance and management

The PCC works under the national Church Representation Rules. All Church attendees are encouraged to register on the church Electoral Roll and to stand for election to the PCC.

The PCC works with the Vicar to oversee the life and work of the church and is responsible for the financial running of the church and the maintenance of the church building.

In order to carry out its aims and objectives, the full PCC meets on average 6 times a year and operates through a number of committees, which meet as and when required between main PCC meetings, reporting back to the PCC.

These include: Standing Committee, Finance Committee, Social Committee, Fabric Committee, Health & Safety Committee and Pastoral Committee.

Stewards & Sidespeople 

(Volunteers needed)

The use of Stewards / Sidespeople stopped during Covid but we are looking to restart this practice, including ‘taking the collection’.

If you might be interested in doing this, please speak to the Church Wardens.

Just who are and what do Stewards (Sidespeople) do, you may well ask?

Well, we are members of the congregation, but do not have to be on the Parochial Church Council. We like to think that we are a small, but important cog among the many others in the wheel that ensures the smooth running of services.

We number 30 - 40 in total, with 4 being needed at any 1 service. Our role involves handing out the Prayer & Hymn books and relevant service sheets and we endeavour to give members and newcomers a friendly welcome! We also take the collection during services and, afterwards, two of us count it and record the amount taken, while the other two tidy away the returned books.

With there being a number of us, our turn comes round usually every 4 weeks.

We are always looking for volunteers to join our ranks. The more of us, the better!  Would you like to join?

If you are a regular attender at St Margaret's and would be interested in joining us, please contact the Parish Office.